HTML/CSS/jQuery Solution Finder for Small Business

HTML/CSS/jQuery Solution Finder for Small Business

Project Intro and Background

Our Web Analytics Manager Karen noticed from the web data that most of the visitors to our website are Small Business Owners. To answer that, we’d like to create a solution page to help them find out what are our key offering to each of their needs.

Therefore, the objective of this project is to guide small business owners to the products they need, so that they can get started with Salesforce more quickly and easily. This is a great showcase of marketing our “solutions” other than “products”, which is more attractive and relevant to our audience.

View the live page here >

Interactive Solution Page

SMB Solution Finder - animated

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Adobe Symposium 2016 – learnings, inspirations and feedback

Adobe Symposium 2016 – learnings, inspirations and feedback

Adobe Symposium 2016 in Singapore happened on Thursday, the 28th of July. As a part of Adobe’s enterprise customer and loyal individual user of more than 10 years, I attended the event to find out what they have to offer in terms of new technologies, features and solutions. I felt overall it’s an inspiring event with the latest product and technology demos and interesting topics and trends.

Opening Keynote

Digital Marketing nowadays is nothing but putting your customer and your audience at the centre of everything you do. As a customer, the request is simple and powerful “Assure me, know me, empower me and delight me”. With that, companies should use technologies available to deliver that customized unique experiences to the customers.

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Insights and More Market Report Design

Insights and More Market Report Design

Flash Design Singapore
Landing page of the Marketing Report
  • Photoshop design
  • Flash animation + Actionscript

This is the marketing report for Insights and More for mens cosmetic market research. The metaphor is a football game – we’re comparing different brands and their markets as football teams, each team has their own star players, their uniforms and their formula. I enjoy the idea a lot and I think it’s an interesting way to present a market report.

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Singapore EDB 50th anniversary website

Singapore EDB 50th anniversary website

Singapore EDB 50th anniversary exhibition website design and joomla development
Singapore EDB 50th anniversary exhibition website design and Joomla! development

This EDB 50th anniversary exhibition website is designed based on EDB 50th anniversary website main site. I made a few changes, including adding in the frontpage slideshow and bottom modules etc. The slideshow used to be less wide but the client wanted it to be wider like the current one.

I turned the approved design into a Joomla! template which makes it easy to manage the website content. I also provided a free training for some EDB staffs to manage the site.

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Terrific Mentors wordpress site design and development

Terrific Mentors WordPress site design and theming
Terrific Mentors WordPress site design and theming

I was cooperating with Tania Chew from Word of Art on this project and she’s the one who manages the content and liaised with the client. Thanks her for her good work so I can concentrate on working at the design and development of the theme.

Actually the final design is quite different than my original ideas and the client wanted it this way (tangled man etc), and added in so many stuffs at the end, such as the top right area which looks kinda crowded. Well, I think every designer will learn (in their own way) that client is always right 🙂

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