Getting a PMP cert in Singapore – FAQ

Getting a PMP cert in Singapore – FAQ

Ever since I published my blog How I got my PMP cert in Singapore – A Complete Guide From Registering, Learning to Passing the Exam I’ve received numerous comments, questions and feedback. There was emails, blog post comments, and even LinkedIn adds (not recommended πŸ™‚ ) First of all, I’d like to thank all the readers for your overwhelming responses! Many of the readers also told me Jeffery, my PMP instructor, shared my experience and my blog on his classes. Thank you Jeffery and I hope it can help more people pass PMP. I’d like to take this chance to write a blog specifically to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, so that it can help more people to clear your doubts.

Exam related questions

Q: Where could I go take REAL mock exam before the actual test if I am studying myself?
I took classes couple years ago in US but never took PMP exam. I currently moved to SG and planning to take the exam here. Could you please advise? Thanks for all the tips. It’s very helpful. (–Nora)

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How I got my PMP cert in Singapore – A Complete Guide From Registering, Learning to Passing the Exam

How I got my PMP cert in Singapore – A Complete Guide From Registering, Learning to Passing the Exam

It took me about two weeks time to prepare for the PMP test after my 5-day course with NTUC NextU, although I understand that the average preparation time for PMP tests is 3 months. I’m not going to lie that I was once quite overwhelmed by the criteria to fulfil to sign up for PMP exams, the difficulty of PMP exams, and the low passing rate. Therefore, I had always been thinking that once I passed, I’m going to share my own experiences, tips and learning methods back to the community. So here it is – a complete guide to passing the PMP exam and getting the cert, including: Recommended PMP Course in Singapore; How to register for the PMP exam (what to prepare and what to expect); How to self-study and prepare for the actual PMP exam; And lastly, how is it like to take the actual exam in Singapore.

Quick Links:
PMP Eligibility
Why PMP?
Selecting a PMP Course
Attending the PMP Course
How to self study for PMP exam
Tips and experiences of the real PMP Exam

PMP Course at NTUC NextU

Who are eligible for taking the PMP course and exam

PMP course and exams are meant to be for experienced full-time project managers with 3-5 years managing projects, so it’s not for fresh Project Managers hoping to acquire basic PM knowledge/methodologies.
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