Mens Apparel website design

Mens Apparel online shopping site Photoshop design

The client approached me for his own Mens apparel online shopping business. We’ve been talking about this for a long time and he really needs my 100% effort on this. I would love to as well as it’s an exciting project to work on. I was thinking about a clean/neat, user-friendly interface at the beginning, something like this.

website design

However, this site seems to be too plain, simple, just another online shopping site, nothing eye-catchy. Therefore I came up with a second version.

website design

Well I like this one better. And the client said he wants something more old-fashioned, more vintage look. Because this website is going to offer tailored customized hand-made suits, and it offers measurement guide, or even measurement services. Therefore I designed the last version.

website design

It’s great design experience for me. Although in the end the client’s programming requirements are beyond me – he requires highly customized functionalities for the shop which needs a whole bunch of programmers working for months. I tried my best exploring opportunies with osecommerce and other platforms but in the end I suggested him to go for a web programmer team and refunded him all the deposit.

I still love this design a lot though 🙂

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