HTML/CSS/jQuery Solution Finder for Small Business

HTML/CSS/jQuery Solution Finder for Small Business

Project Intro and Background

Our Web Analytics Manager Karen noticed from the web data that most of the visitors to our website are Small Business Owners. To answer that, we’d like to create a solution page to help them find out what are our key offering to each of their needs.

Therefore, the objective of this project is to guide small business owners to the products they need, so that they can get started with Salesforce more quickly and easily. This is a great showcase of marketing our “solutions” other than “products”, which is more attractive and relevant to our audience.

View the live page here >

Interactive Solution Page

SMB Solution Finder - animated

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HTML/CSS /jQuery Agenda filter for SF World Tour Melbourne

HTML/CSS /jQuery Agenda filter for SF World Tour Melbourne

RWD design - cross device compatible

Project Intro and Background

In Feb 2016, I’ve got an opportunity to work on an interesting project – an Agenda page for Salesforce’s World Tour Melbourne. The marketers would like the page to represent a “Perfect Day” for each of the 6 streams – “Sales”, “Marketing”, “Service” etc., and the functionality for the users to click each of the breakout sessions to read more about that session. Instead of creating a single page of each of the Perfect Days, our team decided to leverage the current “Agenda” page and add a “Filter” function to it, and I’ll be coding the page so that we have a beautiful and user-friendly web experience for the visitors to view that perfect day on a single page.
View the live page here >

interactive agenda filter.

My responsibilities and requirements of this project were:

  • HTML/CSS RWD (Responsive Web Design) coding
  • jQuery for filtering and lightbox functionalities
  • jQuery for passing the parameters
  • Implement the solution to Open CMS platform

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